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Everything posted by Sincity_blondie

  1. a DORKFISH?? thats a new one!! :freakin_nuts:
  2. Sweet ride!! someday hopefully ill get one, but on the cheap side. lol
  3. Well we can always measure to be sure??
  5. hot or not, id go if i could. i just cant get monday off work!!! WORK SUCKS!!!! not to mention im a poor biotch! spent ALOT in gas the last time we went. im trying to talk them into closing the office, and if that happens, im there, poor or not!! lol
  6. hey bert, where are the buttcrack of dawn sunrise pics? those are some great shots that you posted. i like the sunset pic right before it went behind the mountain!
  7. Hey Nick, if he is adopting, he is taking me first. Im cuter and have bigger boobs!!!
  8. id imagine its goin to be pretty hot at coral also, at least during the day. im out this trip unfortunately. cant get that monday off.
  9. it was warm during the day. but with the wind it helped!! wasnt unbearable, the nights were great, well as long as you stayed next to the fire!!
  10. who in the world would think she did this on purpose?? derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr im glad to hear she is doing better pete. tailbone injuries totally suck and are usually really sore for quite some time. i hope she heals quickly with hers. dont want monkie to have a sore booty!! lol lol
  11. hmm, that sounds ok nick, if you can get people to pay to show off their toys. they can go to the dunes and show it off for free? i mean hopefully they will be down for the good cause, but not sure alot of people would pay to do that.
  12. i realize im short, but im far from midget status! how about a raffle or something? or a bake sale, yeah, i knew you guys would love that. we could get dune business's to donate items we could raffle off? depending on the items being raffled, would decide the raffle ticket prices. or we could even do like a silent auction with the items, that would raise more money!!
  13. yeah no kidding. enjoy your youth kayla. its all downhill after 21. lol lol dont be in such a hurry to grow up and be responsible. its no fun!! Wish i could be a teenager again, and carefree.
  14. thats the red white & boom for 4th of july. They extended it to 2 days this year!!
  15. Goodtimes!!!! you and steve were laughing so hard i thought the 2 of ya were goin to fall down. think it was when you were messing with bbbbbert
  16. just friday pete? how about saturday? :headbang:
  17. i missed the firecrackers and wingnut, hope you got a pic of that?? and tim running after his truck, :headbang: oh my gosh, i bet that was HILARIOUS. i bet he didnt think it was to funny. lol
  18. ok heres my weekend report!!! after having a few issues with my bike and the altitude wingnut rejetted my bike and it rang alot better. CORAL PINK totally rocks, and i cant wait to go back. i had a great time with DDR as i always do. although i think im still a little dog and cant party till the wee hours of the morning like the rest of you. lol lol but good times were had by all. oh yeah, and no falling down drunk this trip!!!! woooo hoooooo. although, i still have a bunch of bruises im not sure how i got!! ill get some pics posted later today hopefully!! i didnt get any group shots unfortunately. hopefully you did pete!! GOOD TIMES!!
  19. im so glad she is ok!! i heard about it last night from jj, called wingnut to see if he knew anything about it. whewwww, that was a close one.
  20. i feel ya nick!! i was just messing with ya!!
  21. im not sure who all is coming up on friday. i think wingnut & anna & maybe steveo? have to check with them
  22. wow, can we say, big time edit?? lol lol im guessing that was um, ISBB?
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