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Everything posted by offroadracer

  1. nevermind the pm steve i see your number at the bottom of your posts
  2. thanks for the heads up steve i'll have to remove the rope...pm me your number i am looking to get a home alarm...Thanks
  3. What are you selling craig?
  4. are you asking to sell to them or buy used from them
  5. The sound of a 45 or 9 mm cocking in a dark area you cant see will definitely get your attention it has a distinct sound of its own
  6. Looks great you guys did a nice job...
  7. Like bob said get the cops involved and show them what you found...that way there is also a record of it just incase anything happens...people get stupid now days
  8. If what im gathering off the photos...the ladder goes to the backyard of the house with the red dodge!! somethings wrong with that deal
  9. Tracy Rubio's Trophy truck had a great Debut!! ran awesome
  10. that has a good and bad side to it if it has a blinking light they may not even mess with it, knowing it may sound an alarm, and if it doesnt have the light, they go to mess with it the alarm sounds and you might catch them in the act..
  11. thats pretty quick for 4 of them... I hated doing mine
  12. That sucks economy down..jobs not that great right now, I guess this is peoples way to make ends meet...its. .. cole put it well in his post
  13. That sucks tim ...like an earlier post said..shoot then ask questions later!!
  14. EFFEN Thieves ..they did that right in front of your house!!that takes balls...glad to hear they didnt get anything..too bad they didnt at least get a couple broken legs ,arms
  15. your kidding right??? right above the photo too
  16. Discount will charge you extra for beadlocks!!! IF They even will do them now , They used to do mine, and they would b*tch about doing them
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