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Everything posted by ~JILL~

  1. yep, 6 cylinder 235 and the v8 265
  2. what were the engine options? First year one of them was introduced.
  3. I edited it after you answered it sorry, but yes thats it. Every farmer needs one.
  4. What was the name of the 1955 Chevy 2 door wagon that was NOT a Sedan Delivery or a Nomad? This is also the year that you had the option of two different engines, what were these engines?
  5. I learned, POOP talk around the campfire is some funny stuff. Angela is an awsome fire tender. Now I know where the name Hella Pauly came from. My husband shows his special ballz to other DDR members, thanks for the picture Jodi. At least one of Tiffany's dogs like my treats. Bob's As the sand blows if is GREAT!!! When is the next episode Bob? Charlie and I are old. Nicole likes my "Kitty Cat". One problem, I missed myth-busters. DID THE PLANE TAKE OFF? I know there is more I'll have to take my Geritol and think about it. EDIT- I screwed up. I thought the thread was WHAT I learned fromDDR not ON DDR, sorry.
  6. Darn Tiffany your good at this. I did know the last one of the three though.
  7. All this, I sure fell dumb. I'm to lazy to look it all up so now my brain hurts from thinking about the answers and trying to figure out where you get this stuff from!!!!!!!!!
  8. BINGO!!!!!!!!!! My husbands uncle was one of the test drivers on that car I have home movies of it put on a disc.
  9. Here is one for you car guys. What car, built in 1963 would run on diesel fuel, gasoline, kerosene, jp-4 jet fuel or even vegetable oil? With no adjustments needed to switch from one to the other.
  10. Not this time, I guess we're going to Armargosa that weekend. Hopefully Charlie's hillshooter should be ready for a trial run with the bigger engine ( crotch rocket engine)
  11. Hey Craig, they really did TALK about it. I heard them.
  12. Ggrreeaatt weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haven't done that much ridding in along time! No, not in the ranger. I was on my 800 lb. tank. JJ NICE MEETING YOU, Randog would have been over there Saturday night but Rescue Me was pretty darn good. Saw you in the back of your truck Sunday morning when we were trying to get Pauly up (10am). Pauly and JJ, I know you liked my horn! Charlie said he counted maybe 80 trailers in the whole place. I think Randog's camp was the biggest camp out there. We even parked over by OH #6 instead of way out in the SO. 40. Thats a first. Neener Neener Neener! Should have been there.
  13. YEP, I was informed last night that we will be there Friday night.
  14. That kinda looks like the sand stone area on the right when you come in from the Cane Bed rd. Hope they don't shut the road down.
  15. Pee on Charlies nerf bars of course!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Ditto: I also wash dishes in a dish pan once in awhile, dump that water into the black tank so as not to fill up the gray tank so fast. Ours is 50/50 black/gray it really works well.
  17. Ok, if I wanted to see that I'd jump outta the shower and look in the mirror, and as always it just scares the hell outta me!! Look and wonder where did all that extra junk came from. I learned not to do that anymore since I have high blood pressure, I might die. The 42 longs get tucked into the waistband of the pants to hold them into place so the belly looks bigger & not the thighs or kneecaps. As far as all the young ones that like the pole, give em 20-30 years. They just think gravity won't get hold of them and everything else that happens after they have a few kids.
  18. If I didn't know better, I'd think you are one of mine. I did all that and a few more. They leave food lying around I'd put it under the covers in their bed. When they would get into bed at night YUCK! They did their own laundry too. Didn't get their laundry done I guess you stink. My son used to wear long sleave shirts to school I made him learn how to iron. They are now 24 and 27, turned out pretty good. NOW IT'S THEIR TURN TO BE PARENTS!!!!!!! IT'S HILARIOUS
  19. I like it in the garage with Charlie, sometimes. I like the torches, cuttin metal or helping him heat up metal to bend it. Helped rebuild a CAT 3208 motor for our old field truck, putting the rings on the pistons, putting the pistons in, crank, injectors, etc. BUT torqe the heads, sucks!!!!!!! First time around was ok second time I got 3 bolts, I was done!!!!!!! Sore for 3 days after. Learned my lesson, leave the torqe wrench alone. Second lesson was, if you hear the m-f word comming from the garage, don't go out there.
  20. I got mine, I had my weekly from openning weekend , my weekly from halloween and then the one from the machine I got when we went out the weekend befor t-day. When the yearly arrived at the BLM shack@ about 3pm on Wed. I took the 3 weekly's down there with my $60 I was second inline for the yearly. No problems.
  21. I don't know Nicole, I thought ol DUNEROID was gonna sign in on DDR? The "KITTY CAT" I think will be around for awhile Charlie likes playing with it
  22. Lets seeeeeeeeeeeeee----------- 2 roids and a ranger Duneroid.com flaming turkey with a stick up it's butt Pauly Paul and Dunefreaks Fire dance That was all before 7pm We went back to the hauler and I stayed awake till 8:30
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