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White Rhino

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Everything posted by White Rhino

  1. Sat it was all the way to the finger. Decent turn out. Most I've seen at D in say 4-5 years.
  2. yeah it should be call the stand and stare as Steve says.. I will say I went over to both groups and talked to them, one was from UT and AZ, and the other from Pahrump, but neither knew anything about the M&G
  3. Well we met all of of folks there but none came for the meet n greet except our group . lol
  4. Yeap as Steve said. Wish I wouldn't have listened to the poll. Darn it. Even said I wouldn't oh well kiddos had fun either way BUT MOST CAMPS were out if candy on Sat.
  5. Umm from buddies who were actually first on scene (riding RITE next to them when it happened ) said if from their opinion IT WASN'T the fuel can. The fire was no where near the fuel can until the Fire got to the fuel can. The video I saw said the same thing.
  6. Technically you don't need a flag in the flats. I wouldn't want to argue it but if they did EVERY. Truck and Moho coming into Dumont would get a ticket.
  7. This is really hard to tell you how much. How many runs do you go on in a day? How fast do you run? In my car admittes it's a strocked LS but I use 3-4 gallons a run
  8. Yeah everybody should stay HOME!! It's going to be horrible out there
  9. Just bring candy to our camp Fri Jodi lol it'll be delivery trick or treat
  10. ^ nice. But been there done that we'll never fronts but tiny vw wheels on back with spacers when I had my stacker
  11. I'd have a hard time believing if someone who brought candy for trick or treaters would turn away a 6 yo and a 9 yo with costumes saying trick or treat because it didn't fall on the day voted on when it's actually Halloween. Just saying. And well if they did Chances are we wouldn't want their priceless candy........on Sat we'll be in camp handing out for all the other lil ones who either want 2 nights or the ones who didn't Sat night.
  12. So from the count there are 23 Nevadans and 35 Californians lol. We're still trick or treating Fri night
  13. All you'd have to do is wire zone a to the front. And zone b to the rear. Change them like that.
  14. What's the data plan size?
  15. We have had baby seats in our rhino and sand car. I've talked to rangers and Sherriff's out there while my kids were in their seats and they never said anything. I used a 2" ratchet strap on mine to make it tighter than the seat beats could in my rhino. In sand car I have ones that work with my 5 point harnesses. Legal? Not sure but I never had an issue.
  16. Must have super strap. I pulled out a motorhome buried to the axles yesterday a 1" strapped to a 2" 50' long (25' each) just to get me on the hard pack.
  17. Dang I didn't know that was you out there. U change buggys too much. Lol GLWTS
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