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Everything posted by rushjunkie

  1. ok, so i've tried looking up a comprehensive how-to on how to swap out the stock engine for a Lifan. Can't find anything with all the details. I already have the TRX side cover to convert to pull start and I have a spare pull starter. More specifically, i need to know if i need to mod the cover, what electrics it requires, which intake to run, etc... Just want to have all the parts at once. I've also looked into buying a pit bike as a heart donor so i could use some other parts, but I seem to only find SSR pit bikes out here. Any idea if those engines are any good? Any help is appreciated...
  2. Bikes didn't change at all between those years if i'm not mistaken...
  3. "douchebaggery" My new favorite word! Somebody with a similar quad at a higher price would have a lot to gain by not having your quad around on CL. Do like OGP said, should work out.
  4. Ive had this one for a couple years with no issues. Mounted it how sandawg described.
  5. Well, as little as California politicians actually care what we think and want, I signed it anyway. Can't hurt. 327 signatures
  6. On poker run weekend, I decided to do something a little different. Since I arrived alone, I drove around the area near crapper 3 and found the dirtiest fire pit/camp spot. While setting up firewood filled a trash bag of crap left behind by the last people who used it and made sure the area was trash free when I left. Amazing how some people just plain don't give a chit.
  7. I'm all for this. Would love for this event to be able to run for years to come without the LEO's having the wrong perception of it. We can always party all night... Any ideas on mounting whips on these things? :atc:
  8. Will have to find the recipe later, but I brined a turkey in Orange Juice and stuffed it with a couple big a$$ pears. Only brined over night, and cooked with pears inside, came out great.
  9. Baker Tap Water :mischevious: Ok, so it's the 11th worst city water in CA. Click It only serves a little over 400 people, so I guess they don't worry much about quality.
  10. Don't know how busy it will be when you go, but last time out in Vegas, I walked up to a the ticket counter at KA and just asked about the prices. When they told me they were 130 a piece I told her I'd discuss with the Mrs. Before I could walk away, they offered up a 50% disc for just being a nice guy. The show was less than half full when I got in. Just sayin, if you don't find something before you get there, just walk up to a counter and ask. Can't hurt.
  11. 1/2 mile from the beach!? Lucky bass-turd. Congrats! :mischevious:
  12. The water at the Valero is labeled not potable, but its regular city tap water. Smelled normal and seemed clear. Can't speak for taste, we take bottled for that.
  13. Oh hell yeah! Not missing it this year! Only problem... one of me, and three 70's :atc: :atc: :atc:
  14. Well, I rolled out solo on Thursday. Arrived about the same time as some of you. Pulled into the Valero to fuel up as 80grit was finishing up (didn't get to introduce myself), and pulled into the dunes just ahead of OGP ( i was the next camp over on Thu). Went out for a ride on Thu afternoon. Soooo much virgin sand with nooobody else out there. Rest of the crew showed up about 11pm and we figured it was a good idea to start up the fire as it started raining :ahhhhh: . A few :ahhhhh: later and we are duning my buddy's tacoma. Of course we get it stuck in some soft stuff over by comp at about 2 am. By the time we got it out and back at camp it was all of 3 am. Fri we rode until we couldn't move. Great weather all weekend. Crew had to leave Sat morning, so we cruised around on my cousin's dmax to all the checkpoints and took a pic or two . Again, no time to stop and introduce myself. Here is a couple from my cell phone, will post up rest later from home after work. Poker run looked like a blast! Def going again next year. Should meet a bunch of you at the regatta though...
  15. this sucks. I live in the area too, I'll keep an eye out.
  16. All loaded and ready to go. Going out by myself first thing. Rest of my camp doesnt show until tomorrow night. If I see any of you out there, don't mind if I jump in line on a run!
  17. Just confirmed yesterday... I'll be showing up on Thursday and the rest of the crew Thu night. Staying until Sat afternoon sometime.
  18. I don't know if they did it this year, but last year, for the first time, they had a time set aside for general public. Didn't advertise it, but i'm pretty sure they did it.
  19. See, now I will obsess with doing this to my trailer! Thanks! Beautiful job by the way!
  20. You gotta put up a build thread on that bad boy. Been wanting to make one myself...
  21. Clicky Clicky :worthless_without_pics:
  22. Bringing this back to the top. Finally uploaded some pics from the D60. Took these mostly on P mode and they are unedited other than resized to post on here. I'm thinking I'm gonna make more time to figure this thing out.
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