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Everything posted by ltr450rider

  1. I'm not even joking I thought about that just last week. I came to the conclusion thats it's just too retarded.
  2. A few of mine bigtruckdrmr got creative with this one
  3. I'm getting Anthony Bourdain from the travel channel to narrate and do the voice over work. :freakin_nuts:
  4. I'll be there sunday with bigtruckdrmr. I'll be on the watch for any DDR peeps.
  5. Now dont everyone get all excited. It's literally only 3 mins of video and half of it is blurry and in nightvision mode. I'll get on it as soon as I have some extra money for the firewire stuff.
  6. Does Allah not believe in seatbelts? Fuggin Hajji's :black: :black:
  7. I've heard the opposite actually. More Rangers tend to have the 3.0 over the 4.0. Normally the upgraded models like the Edge and FX4 have the 4.0. :black:
  8. My S-10 has a 4.3 and from what I've heard, bigger is better. :stir:
  9. I went to jury duty on monday . I woke up on the wrong side of the bed to begin with so I just dressed up in a t-shirt and dickies pants. Sat in traffic for an hour for a trip that should have only taken 30 mins. So now I'm walkin in to the joint. I get all situated in the juror waiting room and listen to some tune-skis on the iPod for about 2 hours :assrock: . Then they call my number for a panel . Got excused for lunch so I find an Applebees and knock back a few . Walk back into court feeling pretty good, not :drunk2: but a good little buzz . Then I'm the last number to get called for the panel and I feel like the place up. They start interviewing us and I start :rant_on: about how my mom was run over by a drunken Temple City Sheriff and he gets off scott free (The case had some T.C. sheriff's as witnesses). My :dumbass: tells the truth when they ask if I will let those feelings interfere with my decision and I said no . As they were interviewing the others I was trying to look as uninterested as possible and letting my eyes wander off and answering the other questions with "I don't get it" . The best was a dude who said he hates all cops . The judge and attorneys start drilling the dude to see if he's just saying it to get off the jury or if really feels that way. He sticks to his guns and was the first dude to get excused . They excuse a few more and ask the rest of us to come back tuesday . I get to sit another hour in traffic on the way home . Making a long story short they eventually excuse me before lunch today. I was so because the trial was supposed to last through next monday and I was going to lose out on a week of pay at work. So now I'm actually happy to go back to work and make some money.
  10. I bet if Gale Banks ever saw his sticker on this dudes truck he would kindly ask him to remove it. I know I would.
  11. Nope. Been kinda busy and have jury duty this week. Just try and forget about it and one day when it just pops up you can be excited all over agian.
  12. Animal style double double is argueably the best burger on earth to me. Next would be the sandbar burger and the Sandbar and Grill in Havasu.
  13. This dude falls from 22,000' and survives, there are other dudes who have fallen 6' and died. Crazy chit man. I wonder if this was the story that inspired Peggy Hill's skydiving accident in King Of The Hill.
  14. You don't even get to see the good stuff inside. About 100 lbs of :poop:
  15. Yes, and then taken back to the station for further questioning.
  16. What's up with the Whale Tail on the Night Rider mustang Me and bigtruckdrmr were watchin the pre-race at her house in Ontario when I told her to keep her ears open for the jets in case they fly over. Just then I hear them so we run out into the back yard and catch them flying in formation down her street. Pretty sweet. That might belong in "Story of the Day" though.
  17. Saw a GT-R for the first time at the Sunset & Vine complex in Hollywood. Sweet fuggin car. Same garage where you can see a Rolls Royce Phantom and a Mercedes SLR all parked right next to each other.
  18. Maybe I was a little vague and the title is a little misleading. But Vegas is getting a GIANT fiberglass burger that will be going up on a 14' x 48' billboard. The ornament idea is genius. Need a huge hauler to get it out there though.
  19. Flatbed semi came by yesterday and picked up a 12' foot tall 3D burger from out yard. Watch for it to show up on a CBS billboard. Usually IN-N-OUT has us do them here in L.A. but I guess they didn't want to pay for us to take the trip to Vegas Now if you see it you can think to yourself, "that burger came from ltr450rider's yard"
  20. I bought the "Pinnacle Studio version 12" editing program. That was about all they had. I had to buy a USB cable also. When I hooked it all up, the program says it doesn't recognize the device and I need to hook up a "firewire". All is good on the camera but no firewire port on my PC. WTF! So I take the cable back to Best Buy and return it. I get home and start getting curious so I take a look at the camera manual. It says I have turn on the function that lets video transfer over to the computer. So I will have to go back to Best Buy tommorow and buy the cable again and give it another shot. :bert:
  21. I guess I will head over to best buy and check out what I can get.
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