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Everything posted by SandSoulja

  1. WHAT? i have no idea what you just said.
  2. at least the supremem court maintained our RIGHT to bear arms this morning... This is the first thing i've appluaded our government for in a LONG time.....maybe ever.
  3. Nice!!! I gotta be honest...you look good on that thing....real good.
  4. gah that might be the best save i've seen EVER
  5. haha i was thinking someone was a little bit anal about their oil changes!
  6. seriously though its gonna be friggin sweet.. I cant wait for hopefully that low 80s night of cruisin the hill with everybody!!!
  7. perfect!! thats pretty much what we were goin' for!!! .....so....hows your cat?
  8. at night you'll be uncomfortably hot...and in the day your skin will literally boil right off your bones....its pretty disgusting but...its worth it when you haven't been to the sand all summer.
  9. DDR meet hardcore dancing.... none of that push pit crap....thats for bros and metal heads.. HXC at its finest.
  10. ^^^ still tells himself that his lt80 is a 500
  11. dogs whats worse... bros or bro hos?
  12. I agree in most situations.. but with this kind of music (very unmelodic) its easier to do it the other way around... me and my brother also do some very bluesy/rock kinda stuff and thats when lyrics first comes in handy
  13. here's a ROUGH recording of our first song... and we dont have a singer yet....and its rough... Gut Bustin' Face Melter!!!
  14. yeah it seems like every forum has some kinda rediculous number like that...
  15. thats a good idea...most of them are young adults...who only know what their church has told them but...aren't bible experts by any means...
  16. oh okay good then....thats what we like to call...gettin your cherry popped.
  17. I'm not sure in Nevada.. I have seen one street legal in california...but we haven't tried and heard its nearly impossible... mainly because they don't come with a "title" CA a pain for everything though...
  18. Ron- "Ah yes, San Diego...It's a fact, it's the greatsest city in the world...uh...Founded by the germans in 1904, it means.....a whales vagina...." Veronica-"No that can't be what it means" Ron- "PShhh, your right...I'm sorry...I was trying to impress you...stupid really... Actually scholars maintain that the translation was lost thousands of years ago... Veronica- "I'm pretty sure thats what it means" Ron- "Well, agree to disagree" or something like that.
  19. p.s. pete most have called me brain about 10 times in our e-mailings....
  20. I pretend i have terets (sp) and start waiving my arms around like a crazyman... and if that doesn't work i pull my pants down and show them my rash.
  21. SOOOO Sick!! Pete you've been alot of help man. Love the site and can't wait to hang out with all thepeeps this fall!!! Yes its true DDR Members will getr our very best deals and GET A FREE SLOT MACHINE WITH Every purchase!!!!
  22. ^^^^Nice! chicken i guess. the godfather or goodfellas?
  23. patience my friend...(but a little birdy tells me to look on the homepage of DDR)
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