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Everything posted by SandSoulja

  1. ls the brady bunch or the partridge family
  2. gahh i feel stupid. I thought that was kinda outta the blue... but its a question i get asked more than you think.
  3. uhhh....i guess so....why?....i don't get it....but yeah......why though...?
  4. you know its summer when all you do is sit around trying to figure out when you think its summer.
  5. :freakin_nuts: he could see all of her post times!!
  6. Oh i see so now...your too good for our obsession!? rude.
  7. day of defeat sucks...i think donkey kong is the best game ever! (billy madison)
  8. I'm still old school with the PS2...but i can't play anything else.....eventually i want a ps3, but i just cant get used to another controller...i play the crap out of MLB the Show 08 right now....career mode is sick. and then i have all the usuals mx vs. atv , GT4, gta3... I'm a huge scarface guy and "the world is yours" is a sick game to....but i can only play it for so long before i feel like actually trying to sell drugs and kill people for no reason...
  9. I dont see how i get on that list before some others...i dont care how long you've been on if you have over 10,000 posts (dunefreak) you have a SERIOUS problem...or "addiction" and i want the same one. I fuggin LOVE DDR!!!! and all of you jerkfaces on here too!!!!
  10. He needs a good spanking... new jeep JK or Fj landcruiser?
  11. i dont ever trust those ones with the wierd writing at the bottom of the ads..
  12. did you get those birthday pics i sent you?
  13. hahaha oh god that made me laugh. what kinda fruitcake, slippy slappin, panzy azz, jibber jabber drives one of those?!?!?!? he must be from vegas.
  14. gah that sucks that people cant even trust their chit at a storage place....glad to hear nothin' got jacked... who has time for the chit? i don't I'm on DDR waaay too much.
  15. Freak your vid was sweet... just watched it today...somehow i missed it before. hey you mind sending me those pics of the rolled hummer and the green JK pulling it? thats my dads jeep. he wants to put em on his jeep forum if you get a chance
  16. nothin like a naughty cankled president candidate!!
  17. yeah and its hard to know what really is all going on...even when we think we have an idea...we only know what the media tells us... so i take everything with a grain of salt...
  18. powerhouse.........? is this true? hilary's got that look in her eye like she wants to do something naughty...
  19. I gotchya... I thought you had yours for sale also... so i didn't understand the point of pointing this guys out... why do i keep putting three periods after each sentece?...
  20. seriosuly!!! raise your hand. do it.. do it now..
  21. i gotta do panda. bronco or blazer
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