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barefoot bob

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Everything posted by barefoot bob

  2. makes me want to go get my hair jerry curled and gets me forty !!!!! :B
  3. 4.3s are sleds, go honda, cheaper and way better upgrades
  4. on all you guys, my wife ran those dunes in a polaris 450 ranger, never lost a drivebelt and kept her occupied for hours, granted there were a few times peple had to come running when she bogged out sideways on big dunes but it never stopped her !!! im selling the boat this spring to ge her a rzr or trade for one plus cash. then well have a real rzr terror out at the d she never worried about who was faster cause she would just go get the green thing and settle the argyment. but for balls my wifes got big uns. :surrender:
  5. it sounds like your getting commercil and non commercial confused. 26000 gvw and below on a class c in cali is for commercial loads not private. i know they have an endorsement for larger rvs here but you cant use it to haul anything commercial. im sure nevada is very similar
  6. were trying to be ready for presidents day. im doing my cvs and some shock work this weekend mo hos in the shop getting worked on. so were trying to pull it together !!!!!! my kids are jonesing worse than i am.
  7. lift off the radiator cap and roll a sand rail under it
  8. probably so but i aint skeered .......................................................
  9. i already had this happen to me . some genius on a 450 was dragracing next to the trailers. i came out on a slow roll and he almost hit me. instead of apoligising or just going away he decideds to be stupid and turns and roosts me !!!!! ..................... really bad idea for him. i guess he just didnt realise his lil scooter will not out run 700 hp i side rossted him twice and then pulled in front of him made him stop and then i after a few thousand cuss words i let him know there was no speeding 50' from a camp. lol capt kllm and jame were like i was :rant_on: and the perpatrator was like so ends my story .......
  10. according to ricky wright there a replacement for the 2d and the internals used are more compareable to the s4. if thats the casw with a weddle r&p you could run more ponies without the length problem the s4 has and yes it is the same blower they drag race and put on boats its a roots blower 8:71
  11. so bite the bullet and get a pbs tranny and step up the hp :sophie: btw: heres a 383 with a blower
  12. hey turbolark hows the new car ??
  13. well my situation was a lil different i went from a world castings 454 small block to a 8:71 blown 383 small block to my 415 ls motor. ive been helping capt kllm and we learned a lot about the 6 liter motors. best bang for the buck in a v8. capt cammed his it did well then it got stolen he then turned another lq9 into a 415 with the cnc heads cam stoker and cbm got 600 hp out of it. the ls is a fantastic motor superior to the sbc in every way. yes the head and cam combo is worth the dollars. also there are 2 types of heads out there for the 6.0 you have the large square port heads from the ls7 and ls3 and ls9 and then you have the cathedral heads smaller ports from the 5.3, ls1,lq9 and ls2 capt running cnc cathedrals and making about 600 hp < but he also is stroked, i would discuss it with bruce and chris @ cbm. and both style heads have to run there respective intakes. they dont interchange. remember these are air pumps flow is the name of the game. the more air you flow the faster you go !! i dont know how much hp your looking for. or tranny or cvs you have it all plays together. mike, i would def look into a pbs tranny for your car it goes into the same basic space as your 2d but it uses the bigger s4 type internals. however there is lots of folks running 2ds behind 500 hp but the more wheelies and jumps and fast runs through the dunes the stronger your tranny needs to be ( but you know this already)
  14. 1 base radio kept at the blm trailer would do it for cost efficiency
  15. who set up the drags ?? we need our own version there lol. man i missed a killer weekend. looks like ill be ready for prezbo day !!! at least im trying... glad randog is ok !!
  16. LIKE I SAID I WASNT THERE I GOT A PHONE CALL. <STUPID CAPS anywase i got called again last night randogs brother crashed too. he was injured i hope he is ok . and there was another wreck as well. wow one of those weekends . i pray no one else gets hurt.
  17. so i get a call from capt kllm on a parts question and find out randog flipped his car. and 2 others already flipped . and its only friday on glamis dunes one car has already flipped at glamis. you guys are getting nutty out there . glad i stayed home.................. well no i lied i wish i was there ......................... :beer_bang: btw: kllm said randogs ok cars torn up a bit but hes ok ........... :beer_bang: or as randy would say . i was getting bizzle fo shizzle and my rizzle did a flizzle. now it needs a rebizzle but im odizzle you feel me ???
  18. sounds like an employee that did not want to be there :beer_bang:
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