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barefoot bob

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Everything posted by barefoot bob

  1. dont buy Carlisle no joke those tires are destructive there garbage they have torn up sevrel toyhaulers of freinds of mine and box trailers the dealers use them cause there cheap!! cheap to buy cheap to make real crap. i bought my box trailer the first thing before i loaded it with anything was remove the Carlisle tires. i use atlas E rated i believe there made by cooper resistent to weather cracking a real good tire :monkeedance2: sanddunesaddict i mean no disrespect to you but hes one in a million to have any luck with there tires .................................
  2. i had a quite an experiance with bakersfield womwne when i did the brooks fiber project in town it involved a waitress on the top floor of the car parking stucture behind the string of bars downtown wher you go bar to bar through the alley. and her friends walking up on us but thats all the details i can give :monkeedance2:
  5. more fodder for the wrecking yard :monkeedance2:
  6. i wondered what happened to you try online video games it will help pass the time and some are downright addicting :monkeedance2:
  7. :no_no: this is sooooooo :monkeedance2: wrong !!!
  8. i have an alpha and a box trailer and i shutter at what i just saw please god not me.....................................
  9. bruce lee jet li jackie chan ................................................
  10. to fancey for me soap water and turtle wax windex on the chrome anything more than that requires a detailer cxause i hate that stuff
  11. good deal i could have possibly dug up a yz tank from some freinds that race glad you got it under control i was hoping to meet you presbo day but maybe some other time
  12. ummmm errrr high school drama class??? ........................ is this a test ???
  13. i think base model sand cars are all up in the 60,000 range now unless you go with lil motors
  14. what are the paticulers of your bike i might be able to help send me a pm if you wish
  15. 3 of my freinds did it 2 said it was no big deal the third one said f this in the ear. now this season non of them have doubles i guess its a solution but not a permanent one. Chris Hersch from eyeball fab was pulling an 18' box trailer behind his 5th wheel with an lt car till the hitch started seperating from the frame on the front of the 5th wheel
  16. you need to get a subscription which you can order via the innenet richard sand sport.com i think it is hang on ill get you the web adress http://www.sandsports.net/Pages/Intro.html go to online order or just call !!
  17. another one i did see im coming back from comp hill @ dumont its dark im on the dunes to the right if your facing comp from camp in the lil valley playing on the hills i look to my right and there is a quad motoring about 20 mph no rider !!! i swooped down and let it run into the back of my rear tire and killed it a minute or so later here comes this guy panting for air he was running after hi mighty steed and looked pretty tired he half whispered his thanks through the oanting and off he went a real topper of a hoot is if this person is a ddr member. it happened last season :mc_smiley: also we have a banshee thats posessed we took out i think it was the second time my wife ever rode it well she turned goosed it in second it through her off. the bike takes off about 20 feet and stops its still idling she somehow hit nuetral on her way off. that is so so funny but wait she did it again !! were at dumont she gets carried away and goes over comp she lands gets piched from the bike she tumbles tumbles tumbles stops jumps up like a comptetitore throws her arms in the air says im ok im ok to the people who were on the other side what does the banshee do it fell into nuetral rolled down down down down stopped right side up idling !!! :mc_smiley: keep in mind she was probably doing about 10 mph so there was no big jumping action just a lil hop but scary non the less
  18. well i hope this counts i didnt see it happen but my buddy did and ive seen the car and the pics this is for real and ive even met and talked to the new owner and ill bet some of you have sen the car at dumont here it goes a couple wants to get into duning they go large right off the bat go to eyeball fabrication and order a 50,000.00 dollar sand car bright yellow ls1 biult the way they want it .so as with most eyeball cars you go out on the maiden voyage with the owner. he likes to park on the brawley side of the aquaduct this particular trip he was there but not on near the road. Hence no fence !! so this couple get in there new buggy on the maiden voyage fire it up look at the hill in front of them husband gunz it up the hilll and SPLASH right into the aquaduct UPSIDE DOWN. they get out everyone is shook up but safe and sound. wife tells husband dont even bring it home drop it back a eyeball and have Chris sell it. he did :mc_smiley: .................................................... i see it at dumont every now and again its yellow and you can spot it cause on the right rear wing there is the eyeball characture painted on it with a scuba mask swimming its hilarious if you see it ask him he will tell you the story to lol
  19. he does he catches it he removes it asap !!!
  20. :mc_smiley: wild the video is pretty cool i wouldnt have believed it till i saw the vvvvvvvideoooooo
  21. lance is a very nice guy but................ i orginally had his fuel injection system and he has trouble with repairing his own stuf.f he was kind enuff to give me a refund. but it was a costly mistake for me
  22. the alpha motorhome hooked to the box trailer is mine
  23. who told you you were a few feet behind me mine goes in the short course as fast as michelles i think you bumped your head
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