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Annual Pass Question

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Not so true Cheese... 1st off let me start with my pass....its only borrowed maybe 4 times a year so I highly doubt that money will be missed. If it is then I suspect more problems out there than a pass collection fee..

Secondly when was the government actually fiscally responsible??? NEVER!! The fees will go up and the amount used ,spent or allocated will be less every year or every other year. As you and I have both seen through the years that govt grows and taxes grow...wasted money and I am certain that there is wasted money in the pot somewhere... So not so true



120-160 dollars a year...chump change when we talk about millions in the budget, right???

but wait, you arent the only person doing it

lets say 1000 people a year(i just pulled that # outta skyz azz) schlep on paying their fees to get into the D...

thats anywhere between 30-40k a year in lost revenue

im not sure what that would get with the BLM...but i know that if i found out i was losing that much income a year due to schlepage in a business i owned, id be crackin down like a ma facka.

no matter the small amout of times it is done per year, it is still lost revenue that ultimately goes to support our habits in the D

ultimately, it is up to the rangers and the BLM to enforce. when/if they ever see the need to, there will be lots of peeps pissed the effe off

@ oceano, you get caught on the dunes without the proper paperwork....480 dollar fine AND an personal escort for the 3 mile drive of shame off the beach

Edited by richard cheese
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thats part of the problem...

trt is not god.

ask questions...

i ask more than my fair share of questions @ those meetings....lots to think about during the 2 hour drive over...then kick myself in the azz all the way home for not asking more :laughing:

i see it this way....

if 30 or 40 bucks is gonna make or break your weekend.....youre in the WRONG sport

Edited by richard cheese
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Well hmmm, wasnt sure if I even wanted to jump into this fire, but im going to.

Im going to be one of those people borrowing a pass the couple of trips im going to make this season. The last few years, Ive always bought an annual pass. I also donate my time and go to bat for the good cause of our dunes.

And the notion of pay or stay away, im staying away alot more than I want to be. Financially this year I cant afford the dunes. But if I can manage to get out a couple times, with borrowing someones pass, you bet your a$$ im going to. Is it right, probably not. :laughing:

oh and 30 or 40 right now to some people is alot, so that could make or break someones trip. alot of people are really hurting right now with the way the economy is. doesnt mean we should have to compeletely give up one of the few things that makes us truly happy!

Edited by Sincity_blondie
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Ok Cheese ... I suppose I should ask for a discount on my 2nd pass sense I use it every now and then.. I use my 1st pass the most so it would only be fair to the blm or whomever if I ask for a discount.

Also I feel I support Dumont everytime I use vendors row... There is hardly a weekend (ever) that I dont buy something from Steve or Doghouse (which they pay for everyday they sale out there and they pay a seperate fee if they sleep there (on site). Wow start adding up the money they charge for stickers, passes and everything else and how much is wasted on district supervisors and whatnots that have not even seen Dumont?

Come on use ur head here. I am sure you have towed a trailer or whatever without getting a 1 day or a 10 day on it or paid for registration on something sitting in your yard ( if its on the driveway here in vegas it is supposed to have insurance and registration on it) B.S. ...There is a limit and a little common sense that goes into it and there is also feesability on a Duners part also.. Just like Stacey said.... I paid for 2 vehicles last year and this year and what 2 vehicles i decide to bring or my friend does then so be it the fee is paid...

Now if....say i have possibly 3 diff vehicles I could take to the dunes does that mean to buy 3 passes if I can only take 2 trucks at a time??.... Nahhhh Come on ... use a little sense on this


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all i did was post my opinion...im not trying to change any of your opinions, as i dont expect anyone to see things my way

vice versa too, i probably wont see things your way....

my intent was to not get peeps all butthurt. i didnt call anyone out, i was overly blatant using examples...i just posted my opinion.


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Come on use ur head here. I am sure you have towed a trailer or whatever without getting a 1 day or a 10 day on it or paid for registration on something sitting in your yard ( if its on the driveway here in vegas it is supposed to have insurance and registration on it) B.S. ...There is a limit and a little common sense that goes into it and there is also feesability on a Duners part also.. Just like Stacey said.... I paid for 2 vehicles last year and this year and what 2 vehicles i decide to bring or my friend does then so be it the fee is paid...


honestly, i have never not paid to go riding. like i said @ oceano....you dont pay, you cant play kiosks at both entrances/exits.

same with the D if i didnt buy at the entrance when they had the machines, then i stop @ valero in Baker anyway :laughing::laughoff::laughoff::dayum:

lets not all of us get butthurt trying to ram our own views down each others throat

unless youre voting for obama n shat :booty:

Edited by richard cheese
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Check it out...this topic sucks!!! :moon: :laughoff::laughing:

...There is a Pizza party at my house tonight all of DDR is invited.. :dayum:

You all just need to go duning and STFU :broke: . Stop worrying about chit like this. :booty::broke::laughoff:

Yes sir all mighty faithful leader you!

we are just passing time talking about BS until then.

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Check it out...this topic sucks!!! :broke::booty::laughing:

...and I like pizza. :moon:

You all just need to go duning and STFU. Stop worrying about chit like this. :broke::broke::laughoff:

Come on Pete ! Tell em all what opinions are like, remember what you told me ! :laughoff: :moon: :dayum::lol::mex:

Back on topic - I see both sides so I am staying out of it

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Ya'll nuggas jus be wastin' yo time an sh*t yo fo arguing shiatt like dis. :laughoff: Once Borat Osama :flatbiller: takes office this difference of opinions will be all for naught. Better git cho azzes out and ride :dayum::laughoff: before they stretch a chain across the entrance.

Just my .02

Peace and sh*t ya'll. :laughing:

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Ya'll nuggas jus be wastin' yo time an sh*t yo fo arguing shiatt like dis. :laughoff: Once Borat Osama :flatbiller: takes office this difference of opinions will be all for naught. Better git cho azzes out and ride :dayum::laughoff: before they stretch a chain across the entrance.

Just my .02

Peace and sh*t ya'll. :laughing:


I think you might have done it better then Cheezzzz.

Edited by desertskyz
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All's well that end well.

BTW Stacey you don't count. You put in more time and effort then most of us. I say you get an honorary pass just for what you do to help out.

Blm don't do honorary passes Skyz. Does this mean you are now against yourself and your previous posts ? She said she will take a borrowed pass all day. I am neutral on the actual arguement but just curious how her $30.00 or $40.00 doesn't make a difference if everyone elses money means the end of Dumont or higher fees for all of us. Hopefully you take no offense to this post, just wondering how Blondie gets a pass while others get raked across the coals about their honesty and integrity.

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Blm don't do honorary passes Skyz. Does this mean you are now against yourself and your previous posts ? She said she will take a borrowed pass all day. I am neutral on the actual arguement but just curious how her $30.00 or $40.00 doesn't make a difference if everyone elses money means the end of Dumont or higher fees for all of us. Hopefully you take no offense to this post, just wondering how Blondie gets a pass while others get raked across the coals about their honesty and integrity.

Yeah it does sound hypocritical. My bad. I was just saying that she does alot of volunteering out there and will help out always. I guess I should not have said she didn't count. Had I left that part out and just said she should get an honorary pass, you wouldn't of had a band wagon to jump on. :bs:

Come one everyone jump on the wagon it is heading to the D with a borrowed pass.


Edited by desertskyz
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