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Everything posted by ltr450rider

  1. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nascar-from-the-marbles/jason-leffler-severely-injured-small-track-wreck-015742662.html Sad!
  2. How long until you can "rent this bed for an hour in the sky"?
  3. X2, There's going to be a lot of little chunks and pieces in there. Turns a $1500 rebuild into a $4000 rebuild real quick when you have to replace every gear.
  4. Sounds like it's geared for the desert. If you're doing 90 in 3rd, that's a pretty tall 3rd. Sand cars generally only use 2nd and 3rd in the dunes anyways so don't feel like you need to be using 4th. But shifting wise, it is easier to be shifting between 3rd and 4th since it's an "in-line" shift. It's up to you what with the gearing.
  5. Daniel Artigas is a cool guy too. Were looking pretty good on 002 gears so you shouldn't have a problem getting the ratio's you want. Here's a link to our inventory and gear calculator. http://www.weddleindustries.com/sites/weddleindustries.com/files/tech-info/Gears%20on%20Hand%206-1-13.pdf http://weddleindustries.com/gear-calculator If you're willing to spend a little more money, Get everything REM polished by us, smoother shifting, quieter, and runs a little cooler.
  6. Next time, move your mirrors so we can see man. It looked pretty crazy though!
  7. John at RC Trans will set you up! What's going on with it?
  8. Great photo's and report. It's good reading this kinda stuff. Didn't seem like there was too many of these lately!
  9. HAHA, That was my buddy Dennis! That's awesome.
  10. My plans are to quit working, stop taking showers, and start wearing sandles. Get a dog and hang around downtown Santa Barbara asking people for money. Maybe hitchhike to San Francisco and spend a week sleeping in Golden Gate Park. I don't know, I haven't really put it all on paper yet.
  11. Posted today! Fight in the pits. I'm really sick of guys fighting with their helmets on though.
  12. I'll be there with the Weddle Industries crew. Don't know where our seats are, won't find out until we get there. Should be a great 250 race!
  13. Right on, good to see a true off roader win!
  14. I thought it was nice having it, but I havn't been able to log into it for about 4 months. I forgot all my login info?
  15. Here's a video!!! I still think there's too much asphalt, I would have like to see that far corner still be dirt. But It's not "LTR450RIDER'S Stadium Super Trucks", so I will just have to live with it!
  16. Yeah, Dunefreak and Monkie's renovation turned out really good. I'm just kidding!!! LOL
  17. Hey Pete, I'm not as good at pushing buttons as you, is there a way you can fix the video for me please! Thanks Brosef! Hey look! It's a Fireball Cinamon Whiskey emoticon>>>
  18. <p>Anybody going to this. I will be heading down there with the Weddle Industries crew. Should be awsome!!!<br /> <br /> Video of gap jump and uphill triple going under the arches!!!<br /> <br /> <iframe src="<a class="bbc_url" href="https://www.facebook.com/video/embed?video_id=2900962260268" rel="nofollow external" title="External link">https://www.facebook...=2900962260268"</a> width="1280" height="720" frameborder="0"></iframe></p>
  19. Quickest settlement ever! Geez, that was only a few weeks ago.
  20. Right on! That's pretty cool. Now you just need to make sand blow out of the ceiling fan and vents for the total experience.
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