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Everything posted by RUn2it

  1. That's what I thought from the start. The day Pete posted it stolen and the area I used 2 different satellite services to look around. How did you actually discover it, just driving along and saw it or somebody call you or ? Just curious and I understand if you don't want it public but would the insurance compensation actually replace your LT car & trailer or they have some kind of depreciation schedule blah blah? I think my enclosed is only covered for liability while towing and your predicament probably have a lot of DDR folks thinking.
  2. Signed, and these pics are from Johnson Valley. The last pic is for the Sierra Club. It's called Hercules finger
  3. TrickyLS-2racer, you drive the 17 Pro Lite and your dad is Jerry? I'll have to check the archives and see if I have any good pics of you and pops.
  4. Hmmm, good idea but .... need a confirmed address still ..
  5. I checked for Fluorescence, Fluorescent, Florescence, Florescent, and only found Florence
  6. Didn't find a 2324 Flourescent but found a 2324 Florence, that sound right? oops, 2324 Florence is close to McCarran airport, not NE side...
  7. For an unusual situation and a workaround for a less than optimal design, if you have a bolt or nut that just will not stay tight and you've tried big flat washers already you can use a sleeve/ spacer and a longer bolt, it's just a short metal tubular spacer you slide over the bolt before you put it on. The theory is the bolt won't stay tight due to lateral shear or oscillating movement that works the bolt loose and eventually wallows out the hole it goes through or the theads if the mating part is threaded and the farther the bolt head or nut is from the part the less movement there is. Not a common problem for 2nd gen production run but for protos or one offs that you want to salvage it works.
  8. So what's the address? Send a PM if you want.
  9. I often look over friends red Honda powered cars that do insane wheelies and look for cracked frames Take a sharpie, touchup paint or nail polish and put a small mark on the nut or bolt and the frame or part on critical components so you can do a quick "pre-flight" anytime, and you'll catch the problem more often and before it gets loose enough to wobble and compromise the parts. That's the only way we could keep the suspension bolts tight on the all red car in the "pic of the month car", he's a jumping addict.
  10. might have moisture in the stator area and when it warms up it's like steam and your source coil gets a moisture ground. I have put source, light and charging coils in the oven a little above 200*F to dry them and then coat with clear epoxy, not the fast dry- too brittle and cracks. I've made Hi output and rewound probably 50 stock lighting coils for LTs and Banshees and the epoxy makes them waterproof. Find the specs on your electrical and check the resistance/oms for a short, the insulation coating can wear off from vibration, add some moisture and heat and the cold good coil can get weak. Good luck sparky
  11. Wow, they actually CUT it up? Probably were going to use or sell the main stuff and wanted to get rid of the parts that could be recognized. Insured or not they still deserve a beating.
  12. OK ... what did Lou do this time? Did Randog have anything to do with it?
  13. Todays word is AXIOM = suggesting that BORROWING can BALANCE the budget. Layman dictionary = robbing Peter to pay Paul, remember that 1? California started the sales tax at 3% to better schools then shifted the burden over to property tax, "temp" raised it .5% to repair flood damaged roads in N Cal, "temp" raised another .5% years later for big fires in S Cal, etc etc, and we're still paying the temp taxes. There's sq ft school fees, billions in bonds, lotto, no pencils, paper etc provided now and the politicians have the revenue hungry nerve to suggest we need to "fully fund education". According to the news if California doesn't solve the budget crisis before tax time refunds will be "deferred" and not to expect interest to be paid, that's a bunch of BULL KRUNKY! Question ... is 1 persons rant anothers senility?
  14. you are on top of it RC, their HIDs have a lifetime warranty too $59.95 $49.95 $39.95
  15. getting some mileage out of this one, click it
  16. Ditto Richard Cheese, my 1st set of 4 Costco 6v lasted 8 years and were still good but replaced them and added 4 more. Every time you let voltage get below 12.25 (no load) you shorten their lifespan. Stick a cheap digital voltmeter somewhere easy to see. This is where I had mine till I did the solar setup.
  17. How bout some info on that water heater, it might be 1 of those with that overheat safety link in the wires that you can see when you open the access door. If so you can take it off and bypass it to test, my brothers WW has had that happen twice now. The 2nd item to check is the thermocouple, sits in the pilot flame. If it has an electronic ignition / circuit board it can be a head scratcher. Ck for a fuse on the circuit board and try disconnecting and reconnect the elect connections. If the elect ignition works you should hear a clicking as it arcs. good luck.
  18. WOW, whoever took that pic of Mark must have been standing next to me when I took this sequence :angry2: :angry2:
  19. Probably not the last either Bet the fastest one here from logon to this page might be :clown: :2gunsfiring:
  20. The stoppie The save The slide out Sorry, couldn't resist....... Oh yeah, I took these pics at Dumont
  21. Just saw the video, that rail probably has a 1/4" or so floor and the strap stayed off the sand, as long as you know where the kill switch is and can reach it. The rail retrieval fatal I saw,the bowl was steep on both sides and the tow rope cut into the top of the sand and compressed the front of the rail, which was a VW with a beam front so it's low to start with. I saw a fatal at comp one night probably 25 years ago, a guys buggy engine quit toward the top on the left side, he got out and muscled the front around and jumped in coasting slow and when he got close to the bottom he turned it at an angle a little and must have hit the brake but for some reason it started to tip slow motion to the right and it keeped going till it dumped the guy out the top and rolled over on top of him and poof, he was gone. A seat belt would have saved him.
  22. I meant the victims vehicles or their friends having DDR stickers and the thieves seeing those go to DDR to just out of curiosity, or even Google rail stuff to check prices of stuff and hit DDR.
  23. It happened around 1988. It happened about 10:am in the bowl with arrows, the vert arrow is where the rail exited the bowl, the horiz arrow is approx how high the bowl use to be. I was flying around watching it happen. I thought 'Why is he trying to pull him up 1 side while he is going down the other?'. This was before cell phones and the guy was hurt bad so I flew out to the Highway hoping to see a CHP but nothing, so I did this trick I learned to lose alt, kind of a flat spin, stall 1 wing and spiral down fast and landed. a minute later a CHP pulled up, was parked up at the Harry Wade marker and thought I crashed. Told him I wasn't a Dr but if he called for a medivac helo I'd still be surprised if the guy survived. Medivac landed at noon, departed 1pm, the guy layed in Barstow ER till MIDNITE!!!!!!!!!!! Hospital said wasn't life threatening so he could be taken to some hospital that took his insurance, and he died in route. This is the crash I always refer to as the "crash, walk away unhurt and then get killed towing rail back to camp". That's why I rant all the time. Ever see the results of a crash where 2 guys beat the crap out of each other, the endo is so violent their inboard arms are thrashing each other and the outboard arms are getting rolled over, that's the 'grab the shoulder belt' rant. Again, sorry for the rant but seems tragic that we go to Dumont for "fun" and end up leaving bleeding, broken and worse, not to mention the mental trauma the family and friends go through.
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