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Everything posted by RUn2it

  1. With practice one can learn to spot a techie .... :clown:
  2. Well .... I hate talking about what I hate. :?:
  3. Do you know if the STUs are lighter than the Scat Tracks? You go from 10" to 8" wheels? I'm always looking for a lighter setup if there is one.
  4. I would have gone the new route if I didn't have so many projects that need $ just for the parts. We just need to win the lotto
  5. It's been to Dumont so much, that's where I learned to chug Bet when it backfired in your face your eyes looked like that pic you took at the meet&greet of my ping pong eyes---> If you've ever had to add gas to your generator at Dumont I wouldn't be surprized if the pilot/low speed jet had a little Dumont homesteading there.
  6. .2-.99mpg if it's pressed all the way ..... :clown:
  7. Bert, is your fridge under warrantee?
  8. You shot those handheld? SteadyHandPete, good shots. Brians pic of that 1 bluff almost had me Photoshopping.
  9. Just curious, when the display says 18.3 does it mean at the speed, throttle and terrain at that moment is giving you 18.3, or is it a running average?
  10. Forgot about this till I saw Randogs post. Testing Pfluegers sense of humor :mischevious:
  11. $500,000.00 starting price? That includes Wayne Manor and Bat Woman I hope. They have bats in their belfry
  12. coming out the intake, he he, bet that would be entertaining looking at the gen close when it happens.Yes, Do post what you find, seems like the intake valve would be closed 180* before and 360* after spark. Mine runs on pro-pain had internal regulator fill up with stinky tar looking stuff, fuel solenoid sticking, and the old run fine and quit for no reason, but no flame thrower yet Pete, X Games :smoker:
  13. I only have 1 suggestion, whichever of the 3 choices .... do not wear fluffy slippers. and you better know I'm just messin wit ya
  14. :?: some people like cupcakes, I, for one, prefer muffins...... (Frank Zappa)
  15. My brother told me his buddy, an RV (real valuable) mechanic said the carbs didn't come apart so I had to show him that they do come apart. This might sound far fetched but on any carb that you rebuild it's usually the cleaning during rebuild that fixes the problem unless you have a dribbler fuel needle and seat or the engine has sat for so long that old fuel/moisture has plugged/corroded the jets. Pete, it throws a flame at shut down or random? Backfires are usually a sign of a lean condition, so lean it won't light and unburnt fuel will build up and when it does light .... BAM, only good for pre-spooling a turbo. Bet you clean the carb inards and new air & fuel filter and U B ret 2 go. Just remembered more, my brother bought a replacement carb and I showed him the old one came apart, he gives it to my buddy as his was wasted, re-opened it and some carb cleaner and his gen ran perfect, no adjustments.
  16. Awwwww, GEEZUUSSS! Literally tore him a new azzhole :dumbass:
  17. Yours has the amber and red lenses? I had a 60 or 61 and were just red and small. Often a tailight lens will have the 1st year of production run cast in the plastic.
  18. The 1st was Pastrana, he did the double back flip in "Best Trick"at the x games in 2006, Scott Murray landed a double back last year at MotoX and was the 2nd to do it, but crashed at Xgames in 07 & 08 trying it. Nobody has done the double at xgames since Pastrana but Murray and Sinclair will be at the Home Depot Center the end of this month for X GAMES 2009. Going to get some pics there! The MetalMulisha were at the races last weekend and Todd Potter decided to ride UP the landing ramp to wave at the crowd while a guy was backflipping, the only time all weekend when a landing wasn't mid ramp, if it had been mid ramp he would have slammed Potter. Check out how the dude crosses the front tire onto the ramp and legs the back on. Titled DEVINE INTERVENTION (or what a friggin idiot)
  19. Funny you mention Goldman/Sachs, Clinton's treasury secretary,Robert Rubin(1995-1999), orchestrated the bailout of a South America countries national bank, was Venezuela I believe, where there were a few billion in bonds held by wealthy investors and financial institutions maturing but had gone to junk status and to "save the country from financial collapse" Rubin made good on the investors holdings, which happened to be the same investors that he, Robert Rubin, had sold the bonds to when he was a securities dealer for Goldman/Sachs and earned millions in commissions. Not going into the Whitewater investment scandle, or how Bill forgot that the $40k Whitewater investment tax write off was really used to buy his mom a cabin but his moms published memoirs had it in black & white (his Gov pay was $50k a year then)or how our coal reserves that ended up in the middle of barren but strangely put in "protected" status when Bills ex law partner Ryadi had the low sulpher coal go to market, or the swat guys that were wasted at Waco just happened to be Gov Bills ex security/bodyguards (blamed it on Reno) and the only material witness in the Paula Jones suit, and how 18 of our service men died in Mogadishu, repeated requests for APCs denied, and placed the blame on the sec of state Les Aspin. Success has a thousand fathers, failure is but a lonely orphan. :dumbass:
  20. MJ died but this friggen thread is possesed, is there an exorcist in the house? Cheese, at least the IOUs are a promise to pay, Federal Reserve Notes are totally bogus, "Federal" Reserve Bank is a private banking corporation and has never been audited, "Reserve", there is no reserve as 1966 was the last of the real money and "Note", legally they are not notes, a legal note MUST have a due date, as were the legal notes that said "payable to the bearer on demand". A "dollar" is a precise measurement of silver (412.5 grains standard troy weight) unlike a quart, quart of what? Yes, FRNs are legal tender (to offer in payment of debt) but are not lawful money. Even the California constitution says "the state shall make no debt payable in any thing but gold or silver coin". The U.S. Constitution was a document meant to protect us from government, the "founding fathers" knew that you couldn't inflate the value of precious metals, and this round of government spending will eventually cause higher interest rates and inflation worse than the late 80s'. Dang, my soap box just broke, guess that ends my rant. :shout: :dumbass: :?:
  21. My guess is 66-72 bug. I had an early 60s and were small and just red reflector and had several others 66-72 and looked like your size. I believe it was 66 when they went from 6 to 12 volt I think the super beetles were more round with a backup light maybe. Oh, I like your clear alt pulley :dumbass:
  22. I didn't answer all of your ? The clouds were trippy that day anyway, WB got the color and bumped up midrange contrast for detail. I just edited your 2nd redrock pic and the histogram was already max left and right so I lightened shadows a little and bumped the mid contrast on everything but sky/clouds. Used USM (unsharpmask) at 150%, .3 pixels, 2 threshold. That's absolutely all that was done, tried to make the lighting like looking out a window. Seems most decent cameras have the color right if the WB is ok or corrected, just a matter of getting the light the best you can. Original on left and edited on the right
  23. The saturated reds/orange is from the custom white balance, white balance is just to tune the color spectrum for the type of light, regular light bulbs will have an kinda orange tint using a WB (white balance) for daylight, and flourescent is greenish I think, so WB adds the opposite color, I think my camera uses around 5000 kelvin for daylight, above gets more red/orange and below goes greenish, like using the hue adjustment on a TV. What Camera/lens you use on the redrock pics? The 2nd pic has focus from a few feet (log fence) to infinity best I can tell with the small pic.
  24. Now that pic has even more potential than the 1st one, good composition too. Dang, Ansel Adams here :porn: Do you have Elements or the $ Photo Shop? In Elements just do "levels", move left and right sliders to bracket the histogram, then go to shadows/highlights and add some mid range contrast, around 15, then lighten the shadows afterwards as mid contrast will darken the shadows more. Fine tune till the pic looks like you're looking out a window at the scene. Use the "info" in the "window" drop down list and set preference to 1,RGB and 2,HSB and wherever your cursor is you can see the values. To find the brigntest and darkest points click filters, adjustments, threshold and move slider both ways till only the extreme white and black points show, you can then use "info" & cursor to check that RGB, brightness, and saturation isn't clipped or blownout, if either RGB is at 255 or brightness or saturation is 100% and you print you can get color shift the way software tries to do it's "perceptual" rendering. Always use unsharpmask last, for web try 150%, .3 pixel and 2 threshold, printing can tolerate 100-200%, 1-2 pixel, and adj threshold if needed. Make a duplicate copy so you can toggle back and forth during editing cause your eyes will trick you sometimes. That's it, do just the levels and shadow/highlights to start with and the rest of it is just to fine tune it.
  25. Ha ha, looking at your pics and was thinking how much it looked like the hills around the race track this weekend, at Lake Elsinore and then saw your avatar. Did you go to the track last weekend? Anyway, I took some sunset pics at the beach with bumped up k settings to see what happened, this is 1 of them.
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