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worst jobs


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I think mine was working at the American Red Cross as a data entry clerk. :barf::thumb::lol::flipoff:

I did that for a couple months in high school. Worst job ever and it was only for like 5 bucks an hour! :think:

Other than that, maybe my pizza delivery job when I was 16. Tropicana Pizza! :lol: I got jumped once (for PIZZA! :barf: ) but didn't get hit. :slap: I got swung on and shoved the pizza in the dude's chest while ducking. Then the p*ssy kicked me in the nads. :laughoff: I gave up and dropped the pizza at that point. :barf::laughoff: I also got a gun pulled on me once because I cut someone off on accident while on a delivery. :MBdance: I was done with that job real quick after all that crap. :laughing:

Whats the worst job you have ever had? :flipoff:

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cant say that i have really had a HORRIBLE job.. I seemed to have liked all the ones i have done.

Working at the feed yard bucking and stacking hay all day in the middle of the summer was awesome cuz i wasnt a fat bastard it kept me in good shape.

Then i found a desk job and started pouring on the pounds.

Sat behind a desk weighing trucks all day.. Boring but wasnt bad.

Worked for a credit union - too corporate and they didnt dune so eff em.

worked for a irrigation company doin computer traveled alot not a bad gig other than racking up 40k miles on my truck with no compensation for it.

then i moved to vegas..

Bagged groceries, sold cars, installed cable, then landed the gig where im at now.

The worst was probably baggin groceries and sellin cars.

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over the summer i worked at YESCO and i had to make all the 3,500 brackets that hold the white lights on the new palms, and i had to stamp out 7000 pieces for a 2 part piece of the bracket. then when i got done with that i drilled 7000 holes on 3500 9in long 1/4in thick pieces of metal (2 holes in each) sitting on the drill press for 8 hours a day is sooooo much fun :laughing: !!. then when i got dont with the holes that took me 4 weeks to do, i spot welded the pieces i stamped to the 9in piece of metal thats 28,000 spot welds!!!all for $7 an hour!! i couldnt wait to go back to school never thought i would say that untill i had that job, and while i was there i worked inside a huge sign for about a week and it was about 130 degrees inside there! i lost about 10lbs at the end of the week haha.

Edited by 90+ PLUS
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i worked in the cafeteria in junior high school.. our lunches were only ten minutes and we made about $10 per week.

i didn't have to work when i was incarcerated (had a hernia) but if i did work it would've been for 35 cents per hour. but it's better than lying in bed all day, everyday for a year.

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fuggggggg....where do i start :flipoff::laughing:

explanation.....Cal State University Bakersfield had a career center when i attended and i used the fk outta it to get jobs.....

1st worst.......inventory at a locally owned shoe store...the owner was soooo tight, that for my wages, he divided what i made by 8, and deducted that from each one of the salesmen's paycheck...i had nine freekin bosses :MBdance: so it went like this

i had to inventory and stack the new shoes that we got in. the first salesman would tell me one way to stack the shoes, which i would do, and right before i was done, another salesman would come back and jump my azz and tell me i was doing it wrong, and would show me how to do it "right" :laughoff: so then i would rearrange everything the second way, only to have the fuggin first salesman come back again, call me stupid, yell at me, and go tell our boss :laughoff: i was there all of 48 hours before I peaced out :afro: on that job

the summer before my teaching career started, i needed a job to pay bills, so i got a gig at a local liquor store doing the clerk thing. i would work 8 hours, days a week, selling alcohol. Man, this is where i learned to be a responsible person. I would see some crazy chit...strippers comin in after gettin off work @ the VU (deja vu...a strip club here in bako) rollin with the losers that asked them out on a date AFTER their shift strippin :lol: alcoholics so bad off they were shakin, and couldnt hold the bottle of booze they just bought ...i actually had to clean several broken ones off the floor...i later learned to give it to them off the premises, or place it in their car for them....and then the welfare losers, who had all kinds of cash to play the fuggin lottery, but then would go to the foodstamps for milk and bologna and bread for 5 kids, all dirty, wearin the same clothes 3-4 days in a row.

funny thing...i was thinking of the bad jobs i had, but i kept thinking of the good jobs, fun jobs I had...imma start a new thread for that one! :flipoff:

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Worst job I ever had was when I was 13 or 14. I got a job at what we called in Michigan a "Party Store"( Like a glorified 7-11) Any way they hired me as a stock boy....the kicker was in Michigan we had a 10 cent bottle deposit..............So needless to say, they hadn't had a stock boy in a few weeks. When I started it took me almost 4 full days to sort all the returnables by brand!!!!!! Stinky beer cans and bottles....sticky pop cans and bottles!!!!! :laughoff: .............Can't forget, before that I worked at a grocery store....packing bags and retrieving carts in 10 degree weather and 8 inches of snow!!!!! fk that job too!!!! :laughing:

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:laughing: Great stories there. :laughoff:

Just out of high school for a couple months I did some repair plumbing.

The pay wasn't bad, and there were good challenges,

but my boss was very stubborn. :flipoff:

I also didn't like the feeling that I was gonna hurl all the time either. :lol::(:MBdance:

Things I learned was:

Chit flows down hill and Pay day is on Friday. :laughoff:

It just wasn't for me. :flipoff:

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Carpetlayer apprentice. $30/day and lunch. Didn't know enough to actually do anything worthwhile or constructive, so I got to be slave labor. The sad thing is it was actually a raise from the job I left, minimum wage was $3.35/hr. at the time...

Second worst was actually being a carpetlayer. Made more money (actually pretty good money) but I soon found out that me and sharp implements don't mix. However, I can bandage pretty much any laceration with duct tape and fast-food napkins in thirty seconds flat... with less scarring than an orthopedic surgeon, and a helluva lot cheaper.

Third-worst: telephone soliciting for Olan Mills. I lasted exactly three days, and got fired... mostly because I wouldn't go to work anymore. Funny what some people expect...

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Just out of high school I worked at Montegomery Wards for $1.80 hr (min wage at the time) as a sales clerk in housewares dept. cleaning gleass shelves. Lasted 2 weeks. Then went to work at a flower shop(sucked also) had a few odd jobs after that and now been in the construction buisness for about 28 years, run loaders, water trucks and selling rock and sand. Dirty but pretty good pay for what I do now.

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Jeez you big bunch of whiners :D working as a clerk, delivering pizza, running a drill press, I can tell not many of you grew up on a farm.

How about shoveling pig crap for hours on end and when you scoop it up , the smell of ammonina nearly knocks you outand the the site of hundreds of thousands of maggots nearly makes you gag. Or @ 3am in the middle of winter laying on the ground with your arm inside of a sow or cow or horse feeling around trying to get ahold of a tail or foot or anything, so you can pull the baby out and save both their lives.

Or how about running a concrete saw for 5 or 6 hrs a day, and then when you are done with the saw you get to run a jack hammer for the rest of the day. I once spent 3 weeks in the basement of a 100 yr old building, drilling, sawing, jackhammering shaping a hole in this massive footing for an elevator shaft, and I could only work on it from 6pm to 6am

Damn you know what the title on this post is worst jobs, I didnt hate any of those jobs, I kinda liked them they were just difficult jobs. So NEVER MIND

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Jeez you big bunch of whiners :D working as a clerk, delivering pizza, running a drill press, I can tell not many of you grew up on a farm.

How about shoveling pig crap for hours on end and when you scoop it up , the smell of ammonina nearly knocks you outand the the site of hundreds of thousands of maggots nearly makes you gag. Or @ 3am in the middle of winter laying on the ground with your arm inside of a sow or cow or horse feeling around trying to get ahold of a tail or foot or anything, so you can pull the baby out and save both their lives.

Or how about running a concrete saw for 5 or 6 hrs a day, and then when you are done with the saw you get to run a jack hammer for the rest of the day. I once spent 3 weeks in the basement of a 100 yr old building, drilling, sawing, jackhammering shaping a hole in this massive footing for an elevator shaft, and I could only work on it from 6pm to 6am

Damn you know what the title on this post is worst jobs, I didnt hate any of those jobs, I kinda liked them they were just difficult jobs. So NEVER MIND

whats goin on? are you mad at us?


plus, you act like none of us have ever had our arm up a cows a$$ before!!

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Jeez you big bunch of whiners :D working as a clerk, delivering pizza, running a drill press, I can tell not many of you grew up on a farm.

How about shoveling pig crap for hours on end and when you scoop it up , the smell of ammonina nearly knocks you outand the the site of hundreds of thousands of maggots nearly makes you gag. Or @ 3am in the middle of winter laying on the ground with your arm inside of a sow or cow or horse feeling around trying to get ahold of a tail or foot or anything, so you can pull the baby out and save both their lives.

Or how about running a concrete saw for 5 or 6 hrs a day, and then when you are done with the saw you get to run a jack hammer for the rest of the day. I once spent 3 weeks in the basement of a 100 yr old building, drilling, sawing, jackhammering shaping a hole in this massive footing for an elevator shaft, and I could only work on it from 6pm to 6am

Damn you know what the title on this post is worst jobs, I didnt hate any of those jobs, I kinda liked them they were just difficult jobs. So NEVER MIND

oh big friggen deal you cry baby! :laughoff: You act like those jobs were hard or something! :blury::grin::laughoff:

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Jeez you big bunch of whiners :D working as a clerk, delivering pizza, running a drill press, I can tell not many of you grew up on a farm.

How about shoveling pig crap for hours on end and when you scoop it up , the smell of ammonina nearly knocks you outand the the site of hundreds of thousands of maggots nearly makes you gag. Or @ 3am in the middle of winter laying on the ground with your arm inside of a sow or cow or horse feeling around trying to get ahold of a tail or foot or anything, so you can pull the baby out and save both their lives.

Or how about running a concrete saw for 5 or 6 hrs a day, and then when you are done with the saw you get to run a jack hammer for the rest of the day. I once spent 3 weeks in the basement of a 100 yr old building, drilling, sawing, jackhammering shaping a hole in this massive footing for an elevator shaft, and I could only work on it from 6pm to 6am

Damn you know what the title on this post is worst jobs, I didnt hate any of those jobs, I kinda liked them they were just difficult jobs. So NEVER MIND

not bad............................for a FLATBILLER!!! :flatbiller: :blury::grin:

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over the summer i worked at YESCO and i had to make all the 3,500 brackets that hold the white lights on the new palms, and i had to stamp out 7000 pieces for a 2 part piece of the bracket. then when i got done with that i drilled 7000 holes on 3500 9in long 1/4in thick pieces of metal (2 holes in each) sitting on the drill press for 8 hours a day is sooooo much fun :blury: !!. then when i got dont with the holes that took me 4 weeks to do, i spot welded the pieces i stamped to the 9in piece of metal thats 28,000 spot welds!!!all for $7 an hour!! i couldnt wait to go back to school never thought i would say that untill i had that job, and while i was there i worked inside a huge sign for about a week and it was about 130 degrees inside there! i lost about 10lbs at the end of the week haha.

"Pushin Metal" has to be one of the worst jobs it seems.

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Well other than all the small stupid jobs I had as a kid in high school (lots of job hopping) there are two that stick out the most that sucked!!!

1) Roofing, at the end of the day I couldn't feel my legs from carrying the shingles up to the roof on a crapy ladder. Then the tear off was a pain in the a$$, no really! roofing nails in the butt, feet and knees suck :cry:

2) Tree Trimming, sure was cool at first to run a saw but I soon figured out that 2 hrs of cutting equals the rest of the day stackin wood in a truck and running a chipper. It gets worse... Those frickin trucks got to be unloaded too :grin::laughoff: And then if we were slow I would just split wood for days... We got a job adding spaces to a camp site and clearing up existing w/ 2 pickups and 1 chipper...I quit

Hummm.. seems I am whining about hard work... All of this was in Michigans crapy weather freezing my :laughoff: off.

:barf::barf::barf: I have to go to my real job now...


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Jeez you big bunch of whiners :D working as a clerk, delivering pizza, running a drill press, I can tell not many of you grew up on a farm.

How about shoveling pig crap for hours on end and when you scoop it up , the smell of ammonina nearly knocks you outand the the site of hundreds of thousands of maggots nearly makes you gag. Or @ 3am in the middle of winter laying on the ground with your arm inside of a sow or cow or horse feeling around trying to get ahold of a tail or foot or anything, so you can pull the baby out and save both their lives.

Or how about running a concrete saw for 5 or 6 hrs a day, and then when you are done with the saw you get to run a jack hammer for the rest of the day. I once spent 3 weeks in the basement of a 100 yr old building, drilling, sawing, jackhammering shaping a hole in this massive footing for an elevator shaft, and I could only work on it from 6pm to 6am

Damn you know what the title on this post is worst jobs, I didnt hate any of those jobs, I kinda liked them they were just difficult jobs. So NEVER MIND

I was drafted and ended up in the Marines.

90 days out of high school, we were doing a landmine sweep along a road and I guy with his wife and kids walked up and wanted to trade his .38 revolver for the SEIKO wristwatch I was wearing that my parents gave me for a graduation present.

Guys on the weapons carrier about 200 feet away thought the guy was robbing me when they saw the .38 and the emptied M16 clips on the guy in front of his family.

I was covered with his guts and brains.

I earned $122 a month in the USMC.

The hardest working people I have ever worked with were people that grew up on pig farms.

They knew what bad was. Any task seemed good and any pay was excellent and they always excell in life.

When McDonalds started letting girls work (at one time it was male only employment at McDonalds believe it or not) my sister got a job at $1.00 per hour and the owner instructed her that if she gets robbed, "Don't give the robber the money."

My folks made her go in and quit.

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Well other than all the small stupid jobs I had as a kid in high school (lots of job hopping) there are two that stick out the most that sucked!!!

1) Roofing, at the end of the day I couldn't feel my legs from carrying the shingles up to the roof on a crapy ladder. Then the tear off was a pain in the a$$, no really! roofing nails in the butt, feet and knees suck :cry:

2) Tree Trimming, sure was cool at first to run a saw but I soon figured out that 2 hrs of cutting equals the rest of the day stackin wood in a truck and running a chipper. It gets worse... Those frickin trucks got to be unloaded too :grin::laughoff: And then if we were slow I would just split wood for days... We got a job adding spaces to a camp site and clearing up existing w/ 2 pickups and 1 chipper...I quit

Hummm.. seems I am whining about hard work... All of this was in Michigans crapy weather freezing my :laughoff: off.

:barf::barf::barf: I have to go to my real job now...


I've never met a roofer that I thought was a lazy person.

That is some hard work.

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All my jobs have been pretty good but I have to post this.

When I was in High School, I had a friend who had a job at F-Street Bookstore (an X-Rated toy and video store in So Cal). He got to clean the back of the store "viewing" rooms. Talk about f-ing gross. ICK :blury:

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He got to clean the back of the store "viewing" rooms. Talk about f-ing gross. ICK :blury:

I was walking around amsterdam hammered off my a$$, me the wife and 3 friends walked into a sex shop and saw a guy mopping the floor of one of those little "viewing rooms", overcome with the smell of bleach we all started busting up laughing and got kicked out of the store.

Anyone who can sit on one of those spooge photo booths and spank off has some serious issues!!!!! Nevermind the poor bastard that has to clean up :grin:

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I was walking around amsterdam hammered off my a$$, me the wife and 3 friends walked into a sex shop and saw a guy mopping the floor of one of those little "viewing rooms", overcome with the smell of bleach we all started busting up laughing and got kicked out of the store.

Anyone who can sit on one of those spooge photo booths and spank off has some serious issues!!!!! Nevermind the poor bastard that has to clean up :laughoff:

Probably reading "Viz" magazine. Wanking off to the "Fat Slags" cartoons! :blury::grin::laughoff:

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