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Everything posted by dinicolady

  1. I agree, that is all true. Actually, at this stage, the baby is well protected. Plenty of room and a cushion of fluid surrounds him (her). Personally, I see no problem with it, but I (personally) would not go riding once I hit the 5 to 6 month mark and beyond. Not worth the risk.
  2. Sticken' close to home and gonna avoid the traffic! Davey is working o/t Saturday, so me and the kiddos will probably hit the pool at my sister's house. Hopefully get together with our neighbors/friends and take the motorcycles up to Mt. Charleston for breakfast early Sunday morning. Or maybe we'll just BBQ some steaks and crab legs Sunday evening instead, or both! Our little block parties end up being A LOT of fun!! Monday, not do a DAMN thing!! Jammie day, or maybe a little more of this Here or there, I hope everyone enjoys the holiday weekend!!
  3. Now that sounds like an AWESOME idea!!
  4. Forgot to mention, although it did catch me by surprise, I DO like the new homepage!!
  5. Gerald missed this one: There motto is "Pack it in, Pack it out!" Shouldn't this be "Their"?? Gotcha!
  6. When you get back, PLEASE post up and let us know!! I'm really curious if the detergent works as well as "blue" stuff, sure would be cheaper for tank maintenance. Thanx
  7. From the moment I saw this little guy, I thought he looked like a miniature Bert! Maybe it's just me.
  8. Damn Randy, that pic looks like it was done in a studio with a backdrop!! The sand is satin smooth and the colors are crisp, TOO perfect!! (Professional photographer or what?!?)
  9. I'm glad Pete bumped this one up too!! I had been thinking about doing it myself, since there's quite a few newbies that could add their thoughts. A few of mine: Sitting down to dinner with my family every evening. That's usually the only time of day we are all at the same place at the same time. Family get-togethers with my sisters, always a GOOD time!! I'm really lucky to have 4 out of 5 sisters here in town. They are my support system. We have some great friends/neighbors that are always willing to lend a hand! As simple as simple gets.....puppy breath!!
  10. Steve, I think you must be a mind reader!! Just last night at the dinner table, I was talking about heading to the drive-in soon to see 'Shrek the 3rd'. Drive-ins, a dying breed. Used to be quite a few here in Vegas, now the ONE remains.
  11. Quick Care, NOOOOT!! Isn't that a prime example of an oxymoron?!?
  12. I wear the Scott goggles made to fit over glasses so I can wear my sunglasses during the day. Starts to get too dark, remove sunglasses, still have the clear goggles for protection. Works out nicely.
  13. The original green it turned matched the shirt she was wearing that day!
  14. I wish I would've come up with that remark!!
  15. Our dog is having withdrawals!! If I go out back, she charges passed me and runs to the trailer door wagging her whole body. Dippy dog, I was just going out to the patio to light the grill!
  16. O.K. Stacey, I was reading this over Davey's shoulder, booted him off the 'puter 'cause I must say, I agree with the others, YOU NEED TO GET TO A DOCTOR! I'll give ya a good example of why.... One of the guys I work with tried to move a bunch of sheet rock at home and it fell on his leg, shin to be exact. He didn't go right away either and came to work bruised and swollen just like you. Was in a lot of pain (BIG whiny baby at work, MEN ) so we kicked him out and sent him to UMC. There wasn't a fracture, but it was a huge hematoma like yours, which got infected and he ended up having to get surgery to get it cleaned and drained, a shunt was put in and all. Missed about 6 weeks of work over it. So PLEASE, get it checked out as soon as you can, because it's getting worse, not better.
  17. Yes indeedy, GREAT party! Plenty of food and drink, great peeps, couldn't ask for more! Haven't heard much yet about the after party-party, Dan?? Mike?? Anybody in there?!? Looking forward to more pics, I took a few with the camera phone, but I'm sure Pete's will be better. I hope Stacey is doing better today, maybe the hangover has taken her mind off the leg. Ken, I'll drag Davey's arse over there in a bit to pick up the bike. :mc_smiley: When's the next party?!? :eatdrink021:
  18. IF you are still interested, here's the scoop, as of last night's news. In a nutshell: The day you asked this question, police pulled over a vehicle matching the one on security video. At that time, the driver (hubby says it was the accomplice) was just a "person of interest". They took him in for questioning but arrested him for outstanding warrants (illegal I.D.). Cops obtained a search warrant and found bomb making materials. How that lead to the arrest of the "hitman", I'm not quite sure, but he is now in custody. Also a Mexican immigrant, just in case you were wondering. It turns out it was a bit of a love triangle. The kid that died was dating the "suspect's" ex-girlfriend, whom he has a child with. Hasn't been allowed to see said child for whatever reasons. The pipe bomb was in a paper cup left on the roof of the kid's car....looked like someone left some trash behind, nothing elaborate like in the movies.
  19. Up in Smoke!! That movie was effin hilarious!!
  20. Yeah, but did you inhale?!? :beatup: Remember it doesn't count unless you inhale. Clinton??
  21. I could write a book on this one!! I must have ATM written across my forehead, effin freeloaders. This lady corners me in the Smith's parking lot, "We're stranded here, trying to get home to Washington, can ya spare some cash for gas?" I'm like, uhhhh, O.K., I gave her a $5, only cash I had on me, luckily. Couple days or so later, same place, same time, a little mini-her comes over to me and feeds me the same line of crap, different state tho. I figure this mother-daughter tag team thing must be workin' out for 'em but I didn't fall for it again. I love it when they feed on your sympathies, NOT! Year's ago, while I was still a single mom, I had just gotten off the freeway @ Washington Ave., heading to work. Yep, a "homeless park" is right there. It was freezing a$$ cold outside and this woman knocks on my window, "You gots any money so's I can feed my kidz?" I literally had a $20 bill in my purse to last me the rest of the week. No way could I give it up. I told her I didn't and she ARGUES with me, "food stamps?? anythin??" That ruined my whole day--week--thinkin' about that, but I had a kid of my own to feed. I have an inkling that she was looking for her next crack fix, not food. It's kinda ironic, just a couple of weeks ago, I'm standing in line at Smith's. These two "kids" with a baby in tow are trying to buy a bag of diapers and something to eat for dinner. They didn't have enough $ for both, so the guy said he was gonna put this pkg of meat back. Leaves the diapers there and the 3 of them disappear into the store. I paid for my stuff and waited awhile for them to come back, I wanted to buy the diapers for them so that they could eat.
  22. We'll be able to see ya coming AND going!! No such thing as too much light. Niiiiice car Tim, gettin' excited for the finish too!
  23. My Mom got tired of yelling for us, so she invested in a whistle and when that thing blew, we KNEW we better hurry home.
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