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Everything posted by Foxysandchick

  1. You aren't invited anyway ... Going to be fuggin awesome!
  2. We are going to 3 Doors Down, Staind and Hinder on August 29th at the Mandalay Bay Events Center .
  3. when the A/C unit and backup unit at work break down at midnight and cause the computer servers to crash.... :shout: Hey Mark....get your boys to fix that...I need my nightly entertainment at work
  4. This was quoted from the Court TV post... Is the BLM going to get some training on how to drive/dune the new car so they are able to use it to its full capacity??
  5. I fly out to Missouri this weekend for a few days to see my family, glad I paid for that back in January . We don't have any trips or events planned, so probably a few lake trips to make it through the summer :swim: and of course whatever little events in town that come up . Maybe an Amargosa trip to get a sand fix :porn: if I can get Jim out there. We have a lot of things we talked about doing around the house, already started on landscaping, but the to-do's never end. and of course a lot of this
  6. If we go Jim gets to be the sober one cause he has to take me to the airport at 5am on Sunday :porn: and I can on the plane.
  7. 3 day weekend for me and no plans except to clean the garage :freakin_nuts:
  8. When you look for ramps, try getting the ones that are connected in the middle with a hinge and just folds in half...then you dont have to worry about them kicking out from under you when loading with paddles..I think I got mine from an Ebay store pretty cheap, I can't check right now but ya know I'll get you the info .
  9. Tacoma's and Z400's :black:
  10. Pete... you are starting to type like him I dont understand the point of it but it must be contageous Oh and I run heavy arse sand stars with chunks missing out of the paddles and I'm still faster than SandSnake with his brand new haulers :moon:
  11. I think that was on this occasion....
  12. Wow standing next to that thing makes you both look tall
  13. I get so distracted when you are home I just kept forgetting to look it up, but you know I have all the answers. :freakin_nuts:
  14. AskMen.Com :freakin_nuts: http://www.askmen.com/fashion/how_to_60/98_how_to.html Don't reply If and when you receive a jury duty letter, there will surely be a warning, stating that failure to return the form is a criminal offense and you might incur a penalty. The chance could be worth taking, as it's likely that you'll simply be removed from the process and not even receive a follow-up request. If the authorities want to penalize you, they'll have to prove that you received the letter in the first place -- which is done by signing a registered letter. As long as you don't sign it, you're likely in the clear. Those who don't return the form might include people who were on vacation, have moved, or simply didn't pick up their mail. So if anyone wants to penalize you, be sure to show 'em your tan. By returning the letter, your name is placed in future random selection processes for potential jurors. Fake a hearing problem :shout: you don't even have to fake it! This one's a spin-off of the medical condition; pretend you can't hear. Simply stare at whoever's asking the questions as if you didn't catch a word, and respond with "pardon me?" every time.
  15. Awesome idea..but when?? 17th- Extreme motorsports expo in Cali 24th- Memorial weekend/Coral 7th- Havasu :swim:
  16. This is why he has shirts like this...."Let's skip the insults and get right to your a$$ kicking" edit: oops tiny pic, well here is the link http://www.dumontduneriders.com/gallery/di...=297&pos=10
  17. Yeah we did foam batons too and they use rubber bullets for SWAT night..they stopped tasing the Officers for training due to the amount of injuries, so good luck with that . Some guys tried singing songs while being tased, that was funny never heard those versions on happy birthday.
  18. Do you have to be shot with your gun, tased with the taser and hit with your baton I hated that excuse on the PD for OC training, I got sprayed in the 1st academy and still had to do it again in the 2nd, but that was for team comradery you better believe I sprayed as many people as I had the chance to . Enjoy your new toy
  19. I'm not married (but divorced a few years ago)..but nothing wrong with a much younger woman . This season I was taught how to drive a sandrail and learned poop duty on a hauler . Just today I learned to drive the boat, dock it and load it on the trailer, then I towed it home and I am totally new to boating and towing and trailers, I can't wait to tube and wakeboard! It is the greatest having someone to teach me things and take me to cool places I have never been . Glad to see such positive people/posts .
  20. :jester2: I do enjoy my current job dispatching at the LVCVA (Convention Center), but my best job had to be 3 years on patrol with LVMPD which I had to leave due to a medical condition .
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